From my own Christian perspective, I believe that men who are intimidated by their wife, being richer or having a higher educational or career profile than them lack understanding and are very short-sighted and ignorant of modern day reality. They are equally ignorant of what Christian marriage entails. Let us go through the scripture. In Genesis 2:18,”And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” When a man finds a good wife, he obtains favour of the Lord and the woman he finds becomes his helpmate, companion, confidant, partner, and adviser. This makes a woman indispensable partner in progress for the man. Therefore, whatever a woman has is to be used to help her husband, to ensure that the home is peaceful, joyful, healthy and devoid of acrimony. In African tradition, a man is supposed to meet the needs of the family and his wife. And they also believe that a woman must not contribute to the running of the home. This is e...