
Showing posts from October, 2024


Sometimes Ago, I Intentionally Refused To Subscribe For My Cable TV For More Than Two Years. The Service Provider Kept Calling Asking If Anything Was Wrong With My Decoder, Because They Discovered I Had Not Subscribed For A Long Time. I Replied That My Decoder Was Okay! Why Did I Refuse To Subscribe? It Was Because, Any Time I Put On My TV, It Was Always Bad News of Killings, Kidnappings, Communal Clashes, Accidents, Natural Disasters, Unimaginable Stealing By Government Officials, Political Violence, Etc. Whenever I hear them, my heart would be troubled and I would be restless tossing on my bed and unable to sleep! For The Sake Of My Peace and Heart Health, I stopped watching or listening to the news! Have You Ever Listened To Some News Or Words From Another Person or Somewhere That Makes Your Heart To Skip And Pant, Troubled, And it Affected Your Mood? You are suffering from Bad Information Traumatic Stress Disorder(BITSD) Did You Know That, What You Hear Or Listen To Has A Tendenc...


The Beauty Of Raw Gold Cannot Come Out Except It Passes Through The Furnace Where It Is Refined To Become A Precious, Valuable, Expensive, Luxurious And Beautiful Gem. So Is Every Problem In Your Life. It Is Meant To Take You To The Next Level That God Intended For You (Jeremiah 29:11). Its Human To Tag You With A Name Based On The Problem Or Challenges You Are Facing. For Example, The Lame Man At The Beautiful Gate (Act 3:1-10); Blind Bartimeaus (Luke 10:42-51); Woman With Issue Of Blood (Mark 5:25-34). It Was Through Their Problem That They Connected With Jesus-The Destiny Changer. The Endpoint Of Every Problem Is The Ability To Give You An Emblem, In Form Of New Name, New Status, New Levels, New Insight, New Revelation, New Perspective, And New Orientation In Life. Even If You Have Tried And Failed In A Particular Self-Development Project, Try Again And Again. Remember, Quitters Will Never Win Except Lose. According To Bern Williams, "If We Try And Fail, We Have Temporary D...


When I was young and in the village, my late father used to do some special traditional prayers and oblation. And during the prayer process, he would hold his head with his two hands and begin to make positive pronouncements. Because I was closer to my father, he would sometimes tell me some hidden ancient wisdom and secrets. So, I asked him, "Father, what is special about your head that you always hold in your two hands when doing oblations?" He replied, "Femi, ori eni ni awure. Ori eni ni ngbere koni." Meaning, “our head is the custodian of wealth and our head is an attractor of blessing, favour and fortune.” And he counselled me to always make pronouncements with both hands holding my head. He said that whatever I use my mouth to say to my head is what would happen. That, it's the ancient secrets that never fail. Why the head? What is so significant about the head? What is the mystery surrounding the head? I queried! The head is the most important part of the...


It is human nature to feel recognised, to be part of the system, to be part of the moving train, to be part of a team, to be part of a group or society, and to be the “good person” in the “good book” of other people. You are definitely living in an illusion! You can’t always say YES to everybody! Dare to be different in a world where everyone is the same: see alike, talk alike, reason alike, think alike and do things alike, like puppets! Dare to be different in a world characterized by stereotypes! Get out of the box! To think is to differ. Thinkers are change makers. Those who think don’t sink. According to Clarence Darrow, "A man without the capacity to think is dead; he has no purpose, no present, and no future." Know that, you have no COPY in this world, because you are created UNIQUE, and a RARE SPECIES! (Psalm 139:14) Standout and be known for something! Be objective and real! The world will adjust to “YOU”! When you have a stand, people will stand with you! Always lear...