When I was young and in the village, my late father used to do some special traditional prayers and oblation. And during the prayer process, he would hold his head with his two hands and begin to make positive pronouncements. Because I was closer to my father, he would sometimes tell me some hidden ancient wisdom and secrets. So, I asked him, "Father, what is special about your head that you always hold in your two hands when doing oblations?" He replied, "Femi, ori eni ni awure. Ori eni ni ngbere koni." Meaning, “our head is the custodian of wealth and our head is an attractor of blessing, favour and fortune.” And he counselled me to always make pronouncements with both hands holding my head. He said that whatever I use my mouth to say to my head is what would happen. That, it's the ancient secrets that never fail. Why the head? What is so significant about the head? What is the mystery surrounding the head? I queried! The head is the most important part of the body. It is the epicentre of life, consciousness, thoughts, actions, intellect, wisdom, and senses. The head is the compass of the body. Your head is your glory. Your head is your connector to greatness. If a man wants to succeed or fail in life, it begins with the head. Like the proverbial saying, “if a fish wants to rot, it begins with the head.” It is an unexplainable mystery that four out of five sense organs of the body are located in the head: nose, ears, eyes and tongue. All these organs are coordinated by the head. If anything happens to the head, it will affect all of them. Understand that, -It is your head that determines where your legs will carry you to! -It is your head that determines what your hands can touch, do or carry! - It is through your head that your whole body is nourished! - It is your head that determines how far you can see (visionary) This is why we must be careful what we allow to pass through these sense organs into our head(brain). Whatever passes through your eyes, ears, nose, tongue is processed by the head(brain), whether positive or negative. Did you know that there are some other deeper things about the head? - In the church, when a man is being anointed, they pour oil on the head not his hand (Psalm 23:5) - In the church during the impartation service, hands are laid on the head by the spiritual father (Hebrew 6:1-2) - Have you ever wondered why some herbalist and spiritists, makes incantations on a person's head when carrying out irapada (deliverance or restoration) for people with ogbange (familiar) spirit always? - Have you ever wondered why some powerful prayer warfare are done with your hands holding your head? You don't know why? I will tell you; - The head is the well of wealth and prosperity - The head is the embodiment of GREATNESS and PRESTIGE - The head is like a MAGNET with a spiritual force that attracts, absorbs and produces results from anything you say to it, whether positive or negative! So, whether in the morning when you wake up, or the night before you sleep, hold your head with your two hands and declare positive things and reject negative things. It works like magic! Know that, your declaration is your realization! Your head is a living thing. It has ears to hear, it has eyes to see, nose to perceive, and it has mouth to speak. Hold your head and declare: 1. Oh you my head, I prophesy to you, you must not attract curses, failures, evil, stagnation, disappointment, calamity and misfortune. 2. Oh you my head, you must attract favour, help, mercy, good news, miracles, blessings, progress, breakthrough and uncommon speed, in Jesus' name, Amen.


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