
Showing posts from November, 2024


Many People Have Suffered One Hurt Or The Other In Life, Either In Relationship, Business, Finance, Academic, Career Or Ministry, Etc. It’s Impossible To Escape Being Hurt, Disappointed, Or Betrayed By Others, Including Those You Trusted, Among Families, Friends And Colleagues. It's Part Of Human Nature. That Is Why Sometimes, HURT Comes From Placing Too Much TRUST In Someone, Forgetting That They Are Human Being, And Not God Who Will Not Betray Our Trust. The Holy Bible Says, “Woe To Those Who Put Their Trust In Men….” (Jeremiah 17:5). Understand That, You Have The Ability And Capacity To Manage Or Mismanage Hurts, Disappointments, Betrayals, Deceits, Distrust, Etc. To Avoid Getting HURT, Adopt The Principle Of, “TRUST But VERIFY.” While It Is Good To Trust Your Partners, Colleagues, And Associates Due To The Intimacy And Confidence Built Over The Time, It Does No Harm To Always Verify Any Information Or News Given Or Received About Them. Carry Out What I Called, Personality And ...


When God didn’t give you the life you dreamed of, not even close, you have to accept the life that he designed for you, because He knows what is BEST for you. Understand that, your thoughts are not His thoughts; neither are your ways His ways. You may have many plans for yourself, but it is the purpose of God that shall prevail! (Proverbs 19:21) Today, you may be feeling weary, frustrated and disappointed about your life, simply because you are not what you dreamed of. Relax, because you are not alone in that state. Its natural and normal for humans to feel that way. You are free to have that feeling. Go ahead and allow yourself to grieve. You can even weep deeply, if you like. You can mourn the delay of what you hoped for or sad over the loss of what you cherished so much. But then after you have lamented, wash your face, look for good food to eat, buy chicken suya and cold yoghurt to take, and put a smile on your face. Then trust God, and embrace the life he has given you. He knows ...


It's Human Nature, And Even Animals To Desire Some Measures Of Freedom. Nobody Like To Be Caged. Freedom Connotes Been Independent And Having A Mind Of Your Own, And Taking Responsibility For Your Actions And Inactions. But Nobody Has Exclusive Freedom In This World. We Still Need Check And Balances So That Our Freedom Do Not End Up In Free-Doom. When A Man Or Woman Thinks He Or She Is Free And Independent To Make Certain Decisions, Without Recourse To Safe Counsel, Such An Individual Is Heading To Free-Doom. Even, The Holy Bible Says, “In The Multitude Of Counsel There Is Safety.”(Proverbs 11:14) An Adage In My Village Says,” We Are Protecting The Young Chicks From Untimely Death In The Hands Of The Hawks, And Its Complaining That The Mother Does Not Allow It To Freely Go And Pick In The Dustbin.” The Implication Of Unchecked Freedom In A Disaster - “FREE-DOOM”. Do You Know There Is Danger In Absolute Freedom? - If You Think You Are Matured And Have Freedom To Make Marital Decis...