Overcoming Inertia In The Pursuit Of Your Goals.

Is it just me or time really flies, it's already February 3rd ,one month is gone in the year.
Most people are still warming up to go, but , there is something called the power of inertia the end of the year brings.
Inertia is the tendency of a body to maintain its state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force.
Big definition for a simple concept.
Long and short of what this means is, if you slow down in December at the end of the year, it becomes more difficult for everybody to get going in January and a simple way to check if this is real to you or not is to ask yourself these questions
1. What specific goals did you set in January?
2. What specific activities did you set to accomplish these goals?
3. How much of your goals were yet to be achieved
4. How many of your activity goals were yet to be done?
Just in case inertia has taken over, I came as a good external force to hopefully jolt you back into motion.
1. Identify one thing you need to start doing, stop doing, do more of, do less of. To get you back in motion and get you to achieve your goal.
2. Set a specific goal to at least one thing you want to accomplish this month. Preferably an accomplishing goal and not just an acquiring goal.
3. Once you set your goals ,set specific activities that will help you to accomplish your goal. They must be specific and actionable activity.
Most important thing is to make sure that your goals are divided into four weeks of accomplishment, so this includes what must you accomplish this week, the second week, the third week and the fourth week to ensure that by the last week you have accomplished your goals?
If you will like to share your goals with me, send me your goal for the month, week one, two, three and four.
Sharing with someone makes you feel accountable, and as you accomplish each one of them tell me, and if you do not get to, still let me know.
I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.