One of the things that human beings does not want to experience or suffer in life is the shame of defeat! We detest it like a plague! Defeat, in any areas of life is painful! Nobody wants to suffer defeat in life, but it is part of our growing up and character development. Defeat in life is not all that bad. What is bad is for us to dwell too much on defeat without seeing the hidden treasures embedded in it. As human, we focus too much on the pain of defeat without seeing the gains and benefits embedded in it. I have suffered many defeats in life and learnt from them and came out better. This makes me wiser, stronger and closer to my maker, because he showed me his will and purpose for the defeats. It was for my good! Understand that, God may use defeat to show us the truth (John 8:82). God can use defeat to redirect our steps to the right path! God can use defeat to work out his plans and purpose for our lives. Even defeat can be a steppingstone to success when we pray, “Lord, what are you saying in this defeat I have suffered? Help me see where I have taken a wrong turn.” The bad things that you suffered are part of his purpose for your life. Inside defeat you can find FEAT (exploit, achievement, success, breakthrough, etc.). I have watched a boxing context where the eventual winner was knocked down three times, but he kept standing after each fall to fight. That is a fighting and winning spirit! Eventually, he won by defeating the opponent with technical knockout in the last round of the game. When you suffer defeat in any areas of your life, think about it, meditate on it, analyse it, and see the positives in it, rise up and move forward. Give the challenges technical and spiritual knockout. According to Confucius, “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” May God lift you up at every point you have fallen and turn your defeat into feat, in Jesus’ name. (Ref: Romans 8:28-29; 1 Pet 5:10; Romans 8:18; 2 Cor. 4:16-17) #FeatEmbeddedInDefeat #WisdomNuggets #IamPOZA


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