If I could turn back the hands of the clock, one course I would study is Philosophy; this is because I like to be both spiritual and philosophical about life and events. Indeed year 2017 is gradually ebbing away as we have climbed the third ladder of the year, the month of March. And if I may ask, how many of the dreams and New Year resolutions are you pursuing to logical conclusion? Have you been able to achieve any of them? Or what steps are you putting in place to ensure they are realized? Including me, how many of my dreams have I realized so far? The answer may be difficult to provide due to some explainable or unexplainable reasons. Obviously some of us may ascribe our inability to have achieved any of our dreams to the current economic reality in the country-the biting effect of recession. Some of the explainable reasons could be that you have not been proactive and working towards realizing those dreams. May be you are a procrastinator who postpones what should be done today till tomorrow.
Well, it does not matter where you have been, but what I know is that there is a destiny that you are created to fulfill. So, what is your own problem? Is it that you want to become a millionaire, a business owners, a mother or father, married or looking for a life partner and all seemed not to be working in your favour? Are you failing in virtually all aspect of life? Don’t worry! By the time you hear the story other people who had many failures, disappointments, trials, sorrows and loses, and succeeded eventually, you will know that in life there is no "Zero' situation the ultimate nothingness. Your situation can be described as "worse" but you will always have something to rejoice over. If you are looking for a Spanish shoes to buy and you could not, remember that some do not even have legs at all. The list of your problems may be endless. Your problem will not remain constant; it’s just a matter of time, it will fade away if you do not fade in your faith and determination. A man of determination overcomes any examination. Know that there is nothing constant in life, except change itself. The Holy Bible says, though weeping may endure till the night but surely joy will come in the morning (Psalm 30:5). That means every problem has an expiry date. According to John Grey, "there is no hopeless situation, except only people who are hopeless about situation." Your situation may look hopeless, relax, take a recourse in God through Jesus Christ who said "cast all your worries, anxieties, pains on Him because He cares for you."
One of the greatest philosopher and motivational speaker, Robbert Schuler says "Tough times do not last but tough people do." Your situation cannot be tougher than God to handle. Another philosopher says “love a man who can laugh in the days of trouble, because he has triumphed." Your disposition to a problem determines the solution to that problem. Radical situation requires radical solution. Therefore, look at the brighter side of life and be tough with the situation and you will see that it will fade away. And most importantly run to God through prayer who can solve that problem for you. Whatever you are passing through is an examination that will show the real man or woman in you. It is a process that leads to promotion as no student is promoted to the next class without passing the previous class. The beauty of raw gold cannot come out except it passes through the furnace where it is refined to become a precious and beautiful gem. So every problem in your life is meant to take you to the next level that God intended for you.
Even if you have tried and failed try again and again. Quitters will never win except lose. According to Bern Williams, "if we try and fail, we have temporary disappointments, but if we don’t try after failing again, we have permanent regrets."
Don’t carry your problems to heart because the longer a problem is carried to heart, the heavier it gets. Whenever you failed or have disappointments, forget about it , erase it from your mind and move on. Sometimes our problem is that we don’t want to forget our past failures. In his best-selling book, Harold Heifer wrote and I quote, "There is nothing we can do about the past but the biggest sorrow is, we can miss the present by fretting too much about the future."
Don’t live in the past. Forget past mistakes. Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, today is cash and tomorrow is a promissory note. What lies ahead of us is greater than what lies behind us. Look into the future with hope. The Holy Bible say forget the former things. The enemy of the new is the old. The enemy of today is yesterday and the enemy of tomorrow is today. The type of decision you take today has a great consequence on your tomorrow whether good or bad. So dream big positive dreams. And follow it up with prayer and you shall surely laugh on day. Above all be very positive in your thinking. As a man thinks in his heart so he is. Believe also in yourself, have confidence in your ability. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will believe in you? Remember that success comes in CANs and failure comes in CANTs. When you have the I-CAN-DO-IT spirit, you can conquer all mountains and obstacles on your way. The bright future ahead of you is greater than the disappointments or failures behind you.