To achieve some FEATS in life, and LEAD others, we need to take a LEAP. In other words, we need to take a LEAP of Faith. It means doing something extraordinary. It means moving a step AHEAD AND ABOVE others. It means thinking out of the box- that is thinking differently, unconventionally, intelligently or from a new perspective. When you USE THE SAME MODEL to do what others are doing, you will achieve the same result they are getting! Take a LEAP of faith! Taking a leap of faith is taking calculated risk-NOT BLIND FAITH-with focus on the goals and your eyes on God who can empower you to succeed (John 15:5; Daniel 12:32). Know that success is not magical. Its practical and tactical! By the way lets define LEAP: - L-LEARN SOMETHING NEW - E-EXPERIENCE NEW PERSPECTIVES - A-APPLY THE KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED - P-PRAY FOR ITS MANIFESTATION Know for sure that, if you LEAP you will LEAD and if you LEAD you will REAP; but it won’t come cheap on the platter of gold. Therefore, you need to be intentional to take a Leap in order to Lead in your areas of endeavour. You need to surpass your goals and BEAT your target to achieve that FEAT. You need to break your old records and set new ones. But always have a Plan B in place incase Plan A fails, because no plan is infallible! To think is to differ! When you think out of the box, you will get out of the box! Thinkers are leaders because they are idea generators. Stop doing the same thing. Explore new territories. Develop new ideas. Have a creative instinct! Challenge your boundaries! Focus on the picture of the future. Your Locus determines your Focus. This year, give no room for any hocus-pocus, or hoity-toity thinking. Always be positive in your confessions, because your confession is your expression and your expression creates an impression of you. Be a quick listener and a slow speaker-that’s wisdom! Be emotionally and spiritually intelligent! Above all, pray, because nothing moves, shifts, changes, or lifts without prayer (Mathew 17:11)! TAKE THAT LEAP TODAY, YOU WILL DEFINITELY LEAD AND REAP ITS BENEFITS! #LeapToLead #LeapOfFaith #ThinkToLead #WisdomNuggets #IamPOZA


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