Your mindsets and perspectives in life can be a source of your limitations. Sometimes we limit ourselves by comparing our parents with others; why was I not born by rich parents? Why was I not born in USA, Canada, UK, etc.? Why is there no one to help me with my dream? Why did I not go to Harvard, Cambridge, or MIT, like others? This list is endless! You can still go to the best school in the world and be ignorant and a fool. You can have rich background, but your back is on the ground and you are not rich in knowledge and wisdom. You can be born and bred in advanced countries, and still become a nonentity and still fail in life! Your background should not limit you! Rise up and carve a niche for yourself! Break out of the circle or jinx! Discover, exploit and explore your inner gifts!
Listen to me: If no one had ever achieved greatness, succeeded, became a millionaire, and experienced uncommon breakthrough, gave mouth-watering testimonies, became a celebrity, a national Icon, a game changer, and was congratulated in your family; who says it can’t start with you?!
Limitations can be self-induced by imitating others, copying other people's lifestyles and characters, forgetting that you are unique and special in your own way. When you compare yourself to others, you limit yourself. Those who compare themselves with others are not wise (2 Corinthians 10:12). Comparing yourself to others will not help you get further in life or with your dream. It only creates envy and jealousy if the model you copy worked for them, and wouldn’t work for you! You will be walking in other people's shadows. You forget that; you can’t replicate your way to success!
Know that you are specially and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)! God created you with special features; identify what they are and profit from them. That is what will make a way for you. The gifts of a man will make a way for him (Proverbs 18:16). Don’t let them waste or lie fallow there. Remember, what you don’t use, you lose! So, there is no need to imitate others. "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation," said Herman Melville. Never copy other people’s lifestyles; be the real and original you and be satisfied with what you have. You are born an original; don’t die a copy!
Limit your limits, so that your limits will not limit you from fulfilling destiny and achieving greatness.