
Showing posts from September, 2024


Did you know that, self-reservation is one of the keys to self-preservation in life? Self-reservation has positive impacts on how we live, relate, achieve purpose and are perceived by others. Therefore; - Reserve your words and preserve your integrity: A man of few words is feared and honoured. Be unpredictable. Let people keep guessing what you will say or not say. It confuses your adversaries. - Reserve your dream and preserve your future: Learn from Joseph in the Bible. If not for God's grace and mercy, he would have died with his dream by telling his enemies. Not everyone is happy with your dream! Keep your mouth shut. Do not tell everyone your dream. You don't know who is your dream killer. Let people see the dream fulfilled, rather than prematurely telling them. - Reserve your anger and preserve your life from untimely death and destruction: Anger is a destiny destroyer. Preserve your destiny and future from anger trap. - Reserve your finance to prevent future annoyanc


Did you know that owning fewer things can actually increase your happiness, well-being and long life? How many times have you heard the saying, "the more the merrier."? But in most cases, the more, the messier, not merrier. Often time, more of some things implies more of troubles and problems. Moderation is the key! (Philippians 4:5) From the lens of the scripture, the bible says, “the sleep of a laborer is sweet but the wealth of a rich man will not permit him to sleep."(Ecclesiastes 5:12). This means the more of wealth or riches, the less of sleep and peace of mind! Let me shock you, wealth, and abundance of it does not guarantee lasting happiness and peace of mind! There is another adage that says "too much of everything is bad." Research shows that, owning too many things can make us feel stressed, anxious, insecure, and depressed. Over time, owning too much of some things takes a mental and emotional toll on us. We become captives of those material thin