In life, no one is complete. We are created to complete one another. This means, no man is an island by himself whether in knowledge, wisdom, skill or expertise. No man has the exclusivity of everything. We are not created to be independent but dependent on each other. We are created to complement each other. Know that what you don't have, someone has and what others don't have, you have. This is the vagaries of life! It makes the world interdependent! It's ignorant to say, "I don't need anyone, I can do it alone." no. You can't do it alone! Even if you are a multi-billionaire, your money cannot do everything for you. You still need the services of others, to complete your needs. When god created Adam, he knew he was not complete. He decided to create eve to complete him as a suitable helper, not to compete with him in authority. We must understand and appreciate the fact that, we are created with some imperfections and weaknesses. No perfect human being or systems exists in life. With this in mind, we are to come together to complete each other and not to engage in unhealthy competition that creates division. Competition creates room for comparison, leading to jealousy and lack of contentment! For example, even in relationships, understand that your partner has flaws and inadequacies. You are together to complete each other and not compete. When partners in a relationship compete for authority and control, the relationship will hit the rock. There can't be two kings on the same throne! In ministry, god gives us different spiritual gifts to use in edifying his kingdom and not to compete with each other (1 cor. 1:10-13). Every spiritual gift is from the same source working for the same purpose. Use your own gift and not be envious of another's gift. Spiritual competition leads to the spiritual suicide. In corporate organisations, you are employed to complete a team or a system to achieve set goals and objectives, and not to engage in competitive struggles. Run away from corporate competition and focus on achieving your job deliverables. That is what leads to promotion. There is no competition in life; each of us should run our race at our own pace by god's grace to get the ace. So, wherever you find yourself, try to identify any gap and strive to fill or complete it. By this, you are making a difference in society. So endeavour to complete a system and not to compete!


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