The world has been described as a moving train. If you don’t join the train, you will be left behind. In order not to be left behind, you MUST constantly EVOLVE and INNOVATE, otherwise, you will DISSOLVE and DISAPPEAR! To sustain your relevance and remain a man or woman of value, you need to always strive to evolve. Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing and intentional to constantly evolve in every area of our endeavor. Perfection is constant transformation, a change from the norm. The most dangerous thing to do in life is not to evolve, you will dissolve. It is either you evolve or disappear into oblivion. If you fail to evolve, you will soon see yourself as irrelevant and of no value to society. Society itself will abandon you because you have no value to offer anymore! When you are perceived as a man or woman of value, you attract honour, respect, and even money! The Holy Book says, “The gift of a man will make a way for him, he shall stand before kings and not before mean men.” (Proverbs 18:16) To be a man of value you need to constantly evolve by adding more value to yourself, learning new skills, acquiring new knowledge, and breaking out of the box. Understand that the enemy of greatness is to maintain the status quo, refusing to change the old way of doing things. Know that, life is never static, it keeps evolving, opening up new vistas, new knowledge, new opportunities, and innovations. Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the beginning of foolishness. Remember, it is the revelation that birth innovation and innovation brings evolution and evolution leads to the manifestation of your dreams. If you want to grow, if you choose to evolve, then you must choose innovation- by always striving to become a better version of yourself. You must be well-disposed to change. Change only happens when you step outside the familiar terrain or comfort zone and face the unknown. Understand that nothing is constant in life except change itself. Change opens doors of opportunities. For example, in the corporate world, we have so many firms that have dissolved or disappeared, simply because they failed to evolve. They used to be the best corporate organisations and their products were the best in the world. They rested on the old corporate brand identity and failed to take advantage of emerging trends to innovate, by investing in R&D to develop new innovative products. They have been left behind in technological innovation. Some of them have gone into extinction today. In the field of knowledge, what you learned at school in the seventies, eighties, nineties and even early 2000s has become obsolete in this 21st century age of information revolution. Knowledge acquisition and management have undergone an unprecedented transformation! You need to update your knowledge and remain relevant. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Deep learning (DL), and Robotics, most of the jobs humans are doing are gradually being replaced with AI or robotics. Holding a first-class degree, master’s degree, or even PhD is not a guarantee to remain relevant in the corporate world today. It is the skill sets that matter and set you above others. Spiritually, if you don’t continue to evolve, by upgrading your spiritual content, with the regular feeding on the word of God, reading impactful and soul-feeding literature, and raising the bar of your prayer life, you will soon become spiritually stagnant and unfruitful. When you now see others evolving in their ministry, making an impact, and becoming relevant, you begin to get annoyed and jealous. You will start asking why is your ministry not making an impact! So, evolve in your ministry or you will soon dissolve or disappear. God is not a static God. He is a dynamic God. So, as His children, we should not be static. Apostle Paul gave a vivid example of himself as someone who always evolved, by forgetting past challenges and achievements, before he became what he is- Philippians 3:13-14 Remember, strive to evolve and innovate, because those who refuse to update themselves will soon become outdated in life!


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