Did you know that, self-reservation is one of the keys to self-preservation in life? Self-reservation has positive impacts on how we live, relate, achieve purpose and are perceived by others. Therefore; - Reserve your words and preserve your integrity: A man of few words is feared and honoured. Be unpredictable. Let people keep guessing what you will say or not say. It confuses your adversaries. - Reserve your dream and preserve your future: Learn from Joseph in the Bible. If not for God's grace and mercy, he would have died with his dream by telling his enemies. Not everyone is happy with your dream! Keep your mouth shut. Do not tell everyone your dream. You don't know who is your dream killer. Let people see the dream fulfilled, rather than prematurely telling them. - Reserve your anger and preserve your life from untimely death and destruction: Anger is a destiny destroyer. Preserve your destiny and future from anger trap. - Reserve your finance to prevent future annoyance: When you preserve your finance through savings, investment and money-making venture, you are preserving your future against hardship. Being broke is one of the causes of annoyance in life. - Reserve your words to preserve your integrity, respect and honour. Mind the words that comes out of your mouth-they can mar or make your personality. Keep guard over the doors of your mouth (Psalm 141:3). Also, Proverbs 10:19 says, "he that restrain his lips is wise and prudent." Be a man of few words. - Reserve your time, to preserve your privacy: Don’t be available to everybody all the time. Having a reserve of time provides you with the space to think, meditate, evaluate, and restrategise to be who you dreamt to be. - Reserve your energy to preserve your vitality: Stop wasting your energy on frivolous and unproductive ventures that dissipate your energy. You need energy upon which your life’s goals and accomplishments are constructed. - Reserve your love for God to preserve your communion, relationship, and fellowship with him. Reserving your love for God will preserve a place for you in His kingdom and eternity (Mark 12:30). Therefore, adopt the principle of reserve to preserve today! #ReserveToPreserve #WisdomNuggets #IamPOZA


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