

One Of The Things I Haven't Done In The Journey Of My Life So Far Is To ENGAGE IN UNGODLY COMPARISONS. I Do Not Compare Myself With Anybody, Based On Their Level Of Achievement Or Success In Any Area Of Life. As A Christian, I Believe God Created Us With Divinely Programmed Time And Seasons To Achieve Some Things In Life. While It Is Good To Appreciate And Commend The Success Of Others, It Is Dangerous And Unwise To Compare Yourself With Others. The Bible Says Those Who Compare Themselves With Others Are Not Wise." 2 Corinthians 10:12 Stop Comparing Your Life And Success With Others. You Are Unique And A Special Project In The Hands Of God. It Pays To Wait For Your Landmark Manifestation And Glorious Revelation. The Fact That Your Age Mates, Classmates, Or Coursemates Achieved Certain Things Before You Doesn’t Stop You From Achieving More Than Them When Your Appointed Time Comes. Understand That There Is No Latecomer In The Game Of Success. Time Is ONLY The Differentiator! Whe...

Wisdom Quotes



Giving Attention To Your Partners In A Relationship, Friendship, Business, Or Ministry Is Key For Intimacy, Understanding, And Healthy Communication. It Is Good To Always Pay Adequate Attention To Certain Issues In Life. However, Giving Too Much Attention To The Wrong Person Or Things Can Lead To Unnecessary Tension, Thereby, Making You Lose Focus To Take Care Of Yourself. Giving Attention To The Wrong Person Can Result In A Waste Of Time, And Resources, Or Emotional Hurt. It Is Good To Give Attention To Others But Give Yourself Attention First. Love Yourself More Than Others Love You. Self-Love Is Not A Sign. The Holy Bible Says We Should Love Our Neighbors As Ourselves, Not More Than Ourselves (Matthew 22:39). It's Even Sad That Sometimes, We Give Our Whole Attention To The Wrong Person, Who Does Not Even Value Us As We Value Them. This Eventually Leads To A Lack Of Appreciation And Tension. According To Yashar Kafi, "One Of The Most Expensive Things You Can Ever Do Is Pay A...


There Is An Element Of ANT In Everyone That Became A GIANT Today. This Means That, No One Achieves Greatness Without Starting From The Beginning. The Way To The Top Is From The Bottom. To Go Up, You Must First Go Down (i.e. Humble, Broken And Meek). Just Like The Scripture Says, "Though Your Beginning May Be Small, Your Later End Shall Greatly Be Established." (Job 8:7). And, “Unless A Grain Of Wheat Falls Down To Earth, It Remains Alone; But If It Dies, It Bears Much Fruit." (John 12:24). Nobody Becomes A Giant Overnight! You Have To Pass Through Various Developmental Stages Or Processes, With Rough Roads And Tough Moments. The DNA To Be GIANT Actually Lies Within Each Of Us, Inactive, That We Need To Wake Up From Sleep. Becoming A Giant Is Not About Physical Strength Or Size. It Means Achieving Excellence, And Becoming A Voice In Our Areas Of Endeavours. All We Need To Do Is Look Inwards To See What Our Potential Is And Exploit It. We Are In The Foundation Mouth Of T...


An adage in my village says, “Ti omode ba dupe ore ana, a ri omiran gba.” Meaning, that if a child offers thanksgiving for yesterday’s kindness received, he will receive another from the giver. As the year is winding up, you and I have a reason to thank God for His benevolence. If you can THINK you can THANK. When you count your blessings and name them one by one, you will realise that God has done much for you this year. You may have lost some things this year, but God has not allowed you to lose everything! Give Him thanks! Your dreams early this year may not have come to pass, but you still have a mouth to scream and lick ice-cream, and your hands are still intact to even cream your body! Give Him thanks Your 2024 RESOLUTION might have suffered DISSOLUTION, but God has not allowed you to suffer DISLOCATIONS. Give Him thanks When you know that to come this far is not by your power, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, holiness, faithfulness, or prayers, you need to be grateful to God....


Success in any area of our endeavour is built on a tripod I call "RAG." RAG has nothing related to clothing! It is an acronym. So, to succeed, you need a RAG: R-Revelation: Revelation is the first step for a man to experience a revolution in life. For a man to have a breakthrough, he must have a revelation of What, When, Where, How and through Whom the breakthrough would happen. Revelation is the divine compass which gives the direction our life should follow. Abraham's revelation activated a revolution that led to his evolution (Genesis 12:1-3). Understand that the revolution of a man begins with a revelation from heaven. A- Action: After revelation, you need to take actionable steps to actualize the elements of the revelation. The revelation will lead to your revolution when action is taken on it, that is built in faith. Remember, nothing moves until force or power is applied to it. Dream becomes ordinary ice cream or cream if action is not taken to actualize it. No mat...


In Our Relationship With People And Dealing With The Circumstances Of Life That We Face, There Are Only Two Possible Outcomes –We Get Bitter Or We Get Better! It's That Simple. You Either Take What Has Been Dealt To You And Allow It To Make You A Better Person, Or You Allow It To Tear You Down And Make You A Bitter Person. The Choice Does Not Belong To Fate; It Belongs To You. The Willpower Is In Your Hands! Understand That, The Difference Between Bitter And Better Is The Letter “I.” When People Hurt You To Make You Bitter, You Have The Power Of “I” To Turn The Situation Into Better. This Means You Can Decide To Be: - Imperturbable; Ignorant; Immovable; Indifferent; Or Insensitive, To The Sources Or Originators Of The Bitterness. This Is The Secret To Peace Of Mind! According To Arun Pandit, “Don’t Let The Bitter Replace The Better Inside Of You.” Getting Bitter At Every Act Of Deceit, Disappointment, Betrayal, Backstabbing, Etc., Will Take A Toll On Your Peace Of Mind. Do N...


One Notable Nature Of The Homo Sapiens, In Everything We Do, Say, Think, Or Want, Is The Element Of Selfishness. It Is In Our Blood. We Rarely Consider The Implication Of Our Actions or Inactions On Others, As Long As We Are Happy And Satisfied. No! That Is Morally And Ethically Wrong! Before You Throw A Stone At Somebody, Consider If It Was Thrown At You! Before You Stab Somebody In His/Her Back, Consider If You Were Stab In The Back The Same Way! Before You Malign Somebody’s Character And Integrity, With Intent To Bring Him/Her Down, Consider If It Was Done To You! Understand That Pulling Somebody Climbing The Stairs Down Will Make You Also Go Down. Before You Downplay The Suffering, Trials And Challenges Of Another, Put Yourself In The Person’s Shoes. It Is Very Risky, Insensitive And Inhuman To Criticize A Pain You Haven’t Endured. My Favourite Parable For Living A Positive And Influential Life Is The Golden Rule, Which Says, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.” (M...


Many People Have Suffered One Hurt Or The Other In Life, Either In Relationship, Business, Finance, Academic, Career Or Ministry, Etc. It’s Impossible To Escape Being Hurt, Disappointed, Or Betrayed By Others, Including Those You Trusted, Among Families, Friends And Colleagues. It's Part Of Human Nature. That Is Why Sometimes, HURT Comes From Placing Too Much TRUST In Someone, Forgetting That They Are Human Being, And Not God Who Will Not Betray Our Trust. The Holy Bible Says, “Woe To Those Who Put Their Trust In Men….” (Jeremiah 17:5). Understand That, You Have The Ability And Capacity To Manage Or Mismanage Hurts, Disappointments, Betrayals, Deceits, Distrust, Etc. To Avoid Getting HURT, Adopt The Principle Of, “TRUST But VERIFY.” While It Is Good To Trust Your Partners, Colleagues, And Associates Due To The Intimacy And Confidence Built Over The Time, It Does No Harm To Always Verify Any Information Or News Given Or Received About Them. Carry Out What I Called, Personality And ...


When God didn’t give you the life you dreamed of, not even close, you have to accept the life that he designed for you, because He knows what is BEST for you. Understand that, your thoughts are not His thoughts; neither are your ways His ways. You may have many plans for yourself, but it is the purpose of God that shall prevail! (Proverbs 19:21) Today, you may be feeling weary, frustrated and disappointed about your life, simply because you are not what you dreamed of. Relax, because you are not alone in that state. Its natural and normal for humans to feel that way. You are free to have that feeling. Go ahead and allow yourself to grieve. You can even weep deeply, if you like. You can mourn the delay of what you hoped for or sad over the loss of what you cherished so much. But then after you have lamented, wash your face, look for good food to eat, buy chicken suya and cold yoghurt to take, and put a smile on your face. Then trust God, and embrace the life he has given you. He knows ...