Success in any area of our endeavour is built on a tripod I call "RAG." RAG has nothing related to clothing! It is an acronym. So, to succeed, you need a RAG:
R-Revelation: Revelation is the first step for a man to experience a revolution in life. For a man to have a breakthrough, he must have a revelation of What, When, Where, How and through Whom the breakthrough would happen. Revelation is the divine compass which gives the direction our life should follow. Abraham's revelation activated a revolution that led to his evolution (Genesis 12:1-3). Understand that the revolution of a man begins with a revelation from heaven.
A- Action: After revelation, you need to take actionable steps to actualize the elements of the revelation. The revelation will lead to your revolution when action is taken on it, that is built in faith. Remember, nothing moves until force or power is applied to it. Dream becomes ordinary ice cream or cream if action is not taken to actualize it. No matter how beautiful your vision is, if it is not prayerfully and methodically pursued, with adequate provision, it ends up in confusion.
G-Grace of God: No one succeeds in life alone without the grace of God. GRACE is when the God(G) factor is involved in the RACE of your life. Paul the apostle attested to this enabling grace (1 Cor 15:10). Grace is an enabler. It is a blanket of hope, a shield protection, a covering for shame, a mender of broken pieces, and a lifter from the pit.
Therefore, get your own RAG of success today. Your success is nonnegotiable with the RAG! Shalom!