
Showing posts from July, 2024


Good things in life take time. It comes by God's timing. Timing is of essence. Nobody can be fruitful out of time and season. Understand that individuals have their alloted time and season of manifestation. Lack of understanding of your appointed time and season may lead to anxiety, worry, jealousy, greed, covetousness, and self-help, with a disastrous outcome. #EssenceOfTime #TimeAndSeasons #TheAppointedTime #WisdomNuggets #IamPOZA


According to Max Lucado, “a man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” What this simply implies is that, sometimes you need to withdraw out of the crowd into yourself and turn your back on somethings. In the crowd, you will suffocate and gets intimidated. You can’t be in the crowd and be still to hear the still small voice speak into your subconscious. You will only hear the voice of the people and not the voice of God! Leaving the crowd is a sure step to self-discovery and self-actualisation! Therefore, 1. Leave the crowd and stand alone. A crowd is a place of confusion and chaos. You cannot crow in the crowd and be heard. Other’s crow will subsume your crow, And you will be lost in the crowd 2. It’s time to break from the mould of excusists, Let your entity announce your identity, Let your gift provoke your lifting, And hold your head in gold. Turn your base metal (raw talent) into gold, And your greatness will be in the fold of succeeders. 3. Leave t...


Many people have been asking, “Why Is Life or people So Unfair to me? I have been good to everyone and love unconditionally! What did I do wrong? What Can I Do about It.”? Let me break your heart; YOU CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT! It’s nature at work! Listen to me! Know, that UNFAIRNESS is part of human nature. With the same mouth, they praise you, and with the same mouth, they condemn you! In your presence you are the angel from God, and behind you, you are the demon from Satan! You can’t live on this earth for long without feeling like someone has treated you unfairly. Knowing how to manage this, is a panacea for peace of mind! • Maybe it’s a neighbour who’s spreading gossip about you in your neighborhood. • Maybe it’s a colleague at work who is stabbing you in the back! • Maybe it’s a congregant who is making false accusations against you at church. You can choose to respond to the people who hurt you by hurting them back, but that is not what God calls you to do. God has called you to ...


One of the greatest undoing of mankind in an attempt to accomplish things in life is to foolishly set unattainable deadlines for themselves. Rather than plan, act, and strategize with the wisdom of God, by following His leading, they ignorantly out of self-pride and self-confidence think they can plan their way to success. The Holy Bible says, there are many plans in the heart of men, but it is the will of God that MUST prevail (Proverbs 19:21). Setting deadlines for yourself means you are acting on your wisdom and knowledge, and outside God's perfect timing and will. It means you are ignorant of God's control of time and season. Do not get me wrong! It is not wrong to plan for the future, but it's foolishness to plan for the future without knowing or involving the one who owns and controls your future, God! It's baffling, sometimes, to hear people say: by 25yrs, I would be a graduate; by 30yrs I would have married; by 35yrs I would have bought my first car; by 40yrs ...


One of the things that human beings does not want to experience or suffer in life is the shame of defeat! We detest it like a plague! Defeat, in any areas of life is painful! Nobody wants to suffer defeat in life, but it is part of our growing up and character development. Defeat in life is not all that bad. What is bad is for us to dwell too much on defeat without seeing the hidden treasures embedded in it. As human, we focus too much on the pain of defeat without seeing the gains and benefits embedded in it. I have suffered many defeats in life and learnt from them and came out better. This makes me wiser, stronger and closer to my maker, because he showed me his will and purpose for the defeats. It was for my good! Understand that, God may use defeat to show us the truth (John 8:82). God can use defeat to redirect our steps to the right path! God can use defeat to work out his plans and purpose for our lives. Even defeat can be a steppingstone to success when we pray, “Lord, what ar...