Many people have been asking, “Why Is Life or people So Unfair to me? I have been good to everyone and love unconditionally! What did I do wrong? What Can I Do about It.”? Let me break your heart; YOU CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT! It’s nature at work! Listen to me! Know, that UNFAIRNESS is part of human nature. With the same mouth, they praise you, and with the same mouth, they condemn you! In your presence you are the angel from God, and behind you, you are the demon from Satan! You can’t live on this earth for long without feeling like someone has treated you unfairly. Knowing how to manage this, is a panacea for peace of mind! • Maybe it’s a neighbour who’s spreading gossip about you in your neighborhood. • Maybe it’s a colleague at work who is stabbing you in the back! • Maybe it’s a congregant who is making false accusations against you at church. You can choose to respond to the people who hurt you by hurting them back, but that is not what God calls you to do. God has called you to follow peace with all men without which no man shall see God (Hebrew 12:14). This means, peace with men leads to peace with God! May the peace of God be with you today and always. Shalom! #PeaceWithManPeaceWithGod #LoveAndForgive #WisdomNugggets #IAmPOZA


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