According to Billy Graham, one of the greatest American Preachers, he said, “the greatest surprise in life to me is the brevity of life.” That is why the Psalmist says, “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (NLT). It is wisdom to live for today and not tomorrow that is just a promissory note-not certain! Because of the brevity of life, stop putting things off. Live life to the fullest, take full advantage, and be the master of the situations or moments you're in right now. Don’t wait till tomorrow! Life does not wait for procrastinators. Today is the ONLY GIFT we have from God! Tomorrow is not guaranteed! Are you putting off what you should do today till tomorrow? WHAT IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES? We do not have the luxury of time or owns tomorrow! Life is short and unpredictable! So; • That good deeds and help you have in mind to do for someone, do it today; because tomorrow may never come! • That favour you have in mind to render to someone, do it today; because tomorrow may never come! • That building project you have been planning, start it today; don’t wait for the right time; because tomorrow may never come! • That business you have been planning, waiting for the right time to start, start it today; because tomorrow may never come! • That person you offended or that offended you, settle with him/her today, don’t wait for tomorrow; because tomorrow may never come! • That food, clothes, money, or other items that God is asking you to give to the poor, do it today; because tomorrow may never come! • That opportunity that comes your way today, don’t waste it, use it well; because tomorrow may never come. Opportunity, they say, comes but only once in a lifetime! • That burden to pray and counsel someone facing the storms of life that God is laying in your heart, do it today because tomorrow may never come! • That restitution that you need to do, do it today; because tomorrow may never come! • That person you need to show love to by telling him/her, “I LOVE YOU,” Do it today when he/she is still alive, not after death; because tomorrow may never come! • That soul that is perishing that God is sending you to preach to, do it today; because tomorrow may not come! • Today is the appointed day to turn to God, not tomorrow; because tomorrow may never come (2 Corinthians 6:2)! Listen to me, TOMORROW MAY NEVER COME. Therefore, maximize today, live for today, follow that dream today, start that project today, and serve God and humanity today, because tomorrow is not guaranteed! Tomorrow is never promised! Remember, life is short, time is fast, no replay, no rewind, so enjoy every moment as it comes before it passes by. ONE LOVE!


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