
Showing posts from 2024


In Our Relationship With People And Dealing With The Circumstances Of Life That We Face, There Are Only Two Possible Outcomes –We Get Bitter Or We Get Better! It's That Simple. You Either Take What Has Been Dealt To You And Allow It To Make You A Better Person, Or You Allow It To Tear You Down And Make You A Bitter Person. The Choice Does Not Belong To Fate; It Belongs To You. The Willpower Is In Your Hands! Understand That, The Difference Between Bitter And Better Is The Letter “I.” When People Hurt You To Make You Bitter, You Have The Power Of “I” To Turn The Situation Into Better. This Means You Can Decide To Be: - Imperturbable; Ignorant; Immovable; Indifferent; Or Insensitive, To The Sources Or Originators Of The Bitterness. This Is The Secret To Peace Of Mind! According To Arun Pandit, “Don’t Let The Bitter Replace The Better Inside Of You.” Getting Bitter At Every Act Of Deceit, Disappointment, Betrayal, Backstabbing, Etc., Will Take A Toll On Your Peace Of Mind. Do N...


One Notable Nature Of The Homo Sapiens, In Everything We Do, Say, Think, Or Want, Is The Element Of Selfishness. It Is In Our Blood. We Rarely Consider The Implication Of Our Actions or Inactions On Others, As Long As We Are Happy And Satisfied. No! That Is Morally And Ethically Wrong! Before You Throw A Stone At Somebody, Consider If It Was Thrown At You! Before You Stab Somebody In His/Her Back, Consider If You Were Stab In The Back The Same Way! Before You Malign Somebody’s Character And Integrity, With Intent To Bring Him/Her Down, Consider If It Was Done To You! Understand That Pulling Somebody Climbing The Stairs Down Will Make You Also Go Down. Before You Downplay The Suffering, Trials And Challenges Of Another, Put Yourself In The Person’s Shoes. It Is Very Risky, Insensitive And Inhuman To Criticize A Pain You Haven’t Endured. My Favourite Parable For Living A Positive And Influential Life Is The Golden Rule, Which Says, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.” (M...


Many People Have Suffered One Hurt Or The Other In Life, Either In Relationship, Business, Finance, Academic, Career Or Ministry, Etc. It’s Impossible To Escape Being Hurt, Disappointed, Or Betrayed By Others, Including Those You Trusted, Among Families, Friends And Colleagues. It's Part Of Human Nature. That Is Why Sometimes, HURT Comes From Placing Too Much TRUST In Someone, Forgetting That They Are Human Being, And Not God Who Will Not Betray Our Trust. The Holy Bible Says, “Woe To Those Who Put Their Trust In Men….” (Jeremiah 17:5). Understand That, You Have The Ability And Capacity To Manage Or Mismanage Hurts, Disappointments, Betrayals, Deceits, Distrust, Etc. To Avoid Getting HURT, Adopt The Principle Of, “TRUST But VERIFY.” While It Is Good To Trust Your Partners, Colleagues, And Associates Due To The Intimacy And Confidence Built Over The Time, It Does No Harm To Always Verify Any Information Or News Given Or Received About Them. Carry Out What I Called, Personality And ...


When God didn’t give you the life you dreamed of, not even close, you have to accept the life that he designed for you, because He knows what is BEST for you. Understand that, your thoughts are not His thoughts; neither are your ways His ways. You may have many plans for yourself, but it is the purpose of God that shall prevail! (Proverbs 19:21) Today, you may be feeling weary, frustrated and disappointed about your life, simply because you are not what you dreamed of. Relax, because you are not alone in that state. Its natural and normal for humans to feel that way. You are free to have that feeling. Go ahead and allow yourself to grieve. You can even weep deeply, if you like. You can mourn the delay of what you hoped for or sad over the loss of what you cherished so much. But then after you have lamented, wash your face, look for good food to eat, buy chicken suya and cold yoghurt to take, and put a smile on your face. Then trust God, and embrace the life he has given you. He knows ...


It's Human Nature, And Even Animals To Desire Some Measures Of Freedom. Nobody Like To Be Caged. Freedom Connotes Been Independent And Having A Mind Of Your Own, And Taking Responsibility For Your Actions And Inactions. But Nobody Has Exclusive Freedom In This World. We Still Need Check And Balances So That Our Freedom Do Not End Up In Free-Doom. When A Man Or Woman Thinks He Or She Is Free And Independent To Make Certain Decisions, Without Recourse To Safe Counsel, Such An Individual Is Heading To Free-Doom. Even, The Holy Bible Says, “In The Multitude Of Counsel There Is Safety.”(Proverbs 11:14) An Adage In My Village Says,” We Are Protecting The Young Chicks From Untimely Death In The Hands Of The Hawks, And Its Complaining That The Mother Does Not Allow It To Freely Go And Pick In The Dustbin.” The Implication Of Unchecked Freedom In A Disaster - “FREE-DOOM”. Do You Know There Is Danger In Absolute Freedom? - If You Think You Are Matured And Have Freedom To Make Marital Decis...


Sometimes Ago, I Intentionally Refused To Subscribe For My Cable TV For More Than Two Years. The Service Provider Kept Calling Asking If Anything Was Wrong With My Decoder, Because They Discovered I Had Not Subscribed For A Long Time. I Replied That My Decoder Was Okay! Why Did I Refuse To Subscribe? It Was Because, Any Time I Put On My TV, It Was Always Bad News of Killings, Kidnappings, Communal Clashes, Accidents, Natural Disasters, Unimaginable Stealing By Government Officials, Political Violence, Etc. Whenever I hear them, my heart would be troubled and I would be restless tossing on my bed and unable to sleep! For The Sake Of My Peace and Heart Health, I stopped watching or listening to the news! Have You Ever Listened To Some News Or Words From Another Person or Somewhere That Makes Your Heart To Skip And Pant, Troubled, And it Affected Your Mood? You are suffering from Bad Information Traumatic Stress Disorder(BITSD) Did You Know That, What You Hear Or Listen To Has A Tendenc...


The Beauty Of Raw Gold Cannot Come Out Except It Passes Through The Furnace Where It Is Refined To Become A Precious, Valuable, Expensive, Luxurious And Beautiful Gem. So Is Every Problem In Your Life. It Is Meant To Take You To The Next Level That God Intended For You (Jeremiah 29:11). Its Human To Tag You With A Name Based On The Problem Or Challenges You Are Facing. For Example, The Lame Man At The Beautiful Gate (Act 3:1-10); Blind Bartimeaus (Luke 10:42-51); Woman With Issue Of Blood (Mark 5:25-34). It Was Through Their Problem That They Connected With Jesus-The Destiny Changer. The Endpoint Of Every Problem Is The Ability To Give You An Emblem, In Form Of New Name, New Status, New Levels, New Insight, New Revelation, New Perspective, And New Orientation In Life. Even If You Have Tried And Failed In A Particular Self-Development Project, Try Again And Again. Remember, Quitters Will Never Win Except Lose. According To Bern Williams, "If We Try And Fail, We Have Temporary D...


When I was young and in the village, my late father used to do some special traditional prayers and oblation. And during the prayer process, he would hold his head with his two hands and begin to make positive pronouncements. Because I was closer to my father, he would sometimes tell me some hidden ancient wisdom and secrets. So, I asked him, "Father, what is special about your head that you always hold in your two hands when doing oblations?" He replied, "Femi, ori eni ni awure. Ori eni ni ngbere koni." Meaning, “our head is the custodian of wealth and our head is an attractor of blessing, favour and fortune.” And he counselled me to always make pronouncements with both hands holding my head. He said that whatever I use my mouth to say to my head is what would happen. That, it's the ancient secrets that never fail. Why the head? What is so significant about the head? What is the mystery surrounding the head? I queried! The head is the most important part of the...


It is human nature to feel recognised, to be part of the system, to be part of the moving train, to be part of a team, to be part of a group or society, and to be the “good person” in the “good book” of other people. You are definitely living in an illusion! You can’t always say YES to everybody! Dare to be different in a world where everyone is the same: see alike, talk alike, reason alike, think alike and do things alike, like puppets! Dare to be different in a world characterized by stereotypes! Get out of the box! To think is to differ. Thinkers are change makers. Those who think don’t sink. According to Clarence Darrow, "A man without the capacity to think is dead; he has no purpose, no present, and no future." Know that, you have no COPY in this world, because you are created UNIQUE, and a RARE SPECIES! (Psalm 139:14) Standout and be known for something! Be objective and real! The world will adjust to “YOU”! When you have a stand, people will stand with you! Always lear...


The world has been described as a moving train. If you don’t join the train, you will be left behind. In order not to be left behind, you MUST constantly EVOLVE and INNOVATE, otherwise, you will DISSOLVE and DISAPPEAR! To sustain your relevance and remain a man or woman of value, you need to always strive to evolve. Life is a moving, breathing thing. We have to be willing and intentional to constantly evolve in every area of our endeavor. Perfection is constant transformation, a change from the norm. The most dangerous thing to do in life is not to evolve, you will dissolve. It is either you evolve or disappear into oblivion. If you fail to evolve, you will soon see yourself as irrelevant and of no value to society. Society itself will abandon you because you have no value to offer anymore! When you are perceived as a man or woman of value, you attract honour, respect, and even money! The Holy Book says, “The gift of a man will make a way for him, he shall stand before kings and not ...


In life, no one is complete. We are created to complete one another. This means, no man is an island by himself whether in knowledge, wisdom, skill or expertise. No man has the exclusivity of everything. We are not created to be independent but dependent on each other. We are created to complement each other. Know that what you don't have, someone has and what others don't have, you have. This is the vagaries of life! It makes the world interdependent! It's ignorant to say, "I don't need anyone, I can do it alone." no. You can't do it alone! Even if you are a multi-billionaire, your money cannot do everything for you. You still need the services of others, to complete your needs. When god created Adam, he knew he was not complete. He decided to create eve to complete him as a suitable helper, not to compete with him in authority. We must understand and appreciate the fact that, we are created with some imperfections and weaknesses. No perfect human being o...


If I Asked One Hundred People In The Upper Echelon Of Life, What They Are Worth In Life, All Of Them Would Certainly Tell Me Their Worth In Nairas, Dollars, Pounds, Multiple Estates, Fat Bank Accounts, Several Companies, Private Jets, Or Yachts, And Fleet Of Cars, Etc. Unfortunately, Let Me Shock You, That Is Not Your Worth In Life! Your Worth Is Just A Free Tiny, Invisible One Microseconds Of Air You Breathe. Know That No One Is Worth More Than The Air They Breathe. Once It Stops, That Is The End Of All Life Struggles, Dreams, And Aspirations! Your Breath Determines Your State Of Health And Your State Of Health Determines Your Ability To Make Wealth. When You Are Still Breathing, You Can Aspire To Acquire Material Things Of Life. This Is Your Secondary Worth (Job 14:11; Ecclesiastes 9:4-5). Understand That, Nobody In Life Is Worth Anything In This World, No Matter Your Position, Wealth, And Status. It's Pride To Say, "I Know My Worth; I Can't Stoop Low To Mix With Suc...


Did you know that, self-reservation is one of the keys to self-preservation in life? Self-reservation has positive impacts on how we live, relate, achieve purpose and are perceived by others. Therefore; - Reserve your words and preserve your integrity: A man of few words is feared and honoured. Be unpredictable. Let people keep guessing what you will say or not say. It confuses your adversaries. - Reserve your dream and preserve your future: Learn from Joseph in the Bible. If not for God's grace and mercy, he would have died with his dream by telling his enemies. Not everyone is happy with your dream! Keep your mouth shut. Do not tell everyone your dream. You don't know who is your dream killer. Let people see the dream fulfilled, rather than prematurely telling them. - Reserve your anger and preserve your life from untimely death and destruction: Anger is a destiny destroyer. Preserve your destiny and future from anger trap. - Reserve your finance to prevent future annoyanc...


Did you know that owning fewer things can actually increase your happiness, well-being and long life? How many times have you heard the saying, "the more the merrier."? But in most cases, the more, the messier, not merrier. Often time, more of some things implies more of troubles and problems. Moderation is the key! (Philippians 4:5) From the lens of the scripture, the bible says, “the sleep of a laborer is sweet but the wealth of a rich man will not permit him to sleep."(Ecclesiastes 5:12). This means the more of wealth or riches, the less of sleep and peace of mind! Let me shock you, wealth, and abundance of it does not guarantee lasting happiness and peace of mind! There is another adage that says "too much of everything is bad." Research shows that, owning too many things can make us feel stressed, anxious, insecure, and depressed. Over time, owning too much of some things takes a mental and emotional toll on us. We become captives of those material thin...


In a world where results speak louder than efforts, where relationships bloom in prosperity but wither in adversity, and where silence holds more power than words, the essence of wisdom shines brightly. Wisdom comes from deep life's experiences, and it's usually hard-earned. Sometimes, few words convey powerful meanings than lengthy words. These short wisdom nuggets say a lot with just a few words, and the profound truths serves as a reminder of the importance of wisdom in guiding our actions, as we navigate the ocean of life: 1. People are not interested in your efforts; they want to see your results. They are interested in what is in your hands than what is in your heart. 2. My father told me, “poverty is an orphan but riches have many relations and friends.” Work hard so that poverty can become your enemy! 3. You don't have true friends or relations until you have problems. Even your shadow sometimes leaves you in darkness. 4. Favour is the invaluable ingredients that ...


I have been wondering, why is everybody always rushing in life? There is so much rat race in the human race! The simple short answers are: - The fear of impatience. - Because we feel we are late. - Lack of understanding of God’s timing There are always dangers and risks associated with RUSH-ing; you may be stampeded or you stampede someone in the game of life. RUSH syndrome manifests when we have not planned our time or life very well. This happens when we discover that we are getting late in achieving success in some areas of our lives; marriage, career, education, ministry, or even business. Hear me; nothing done in haste (RUSH) ends well, because you are prone to errors and mistakes. Rushing happens when people, including family and friends, are mocking you by saying that you have not achieved some things at a certain age! Then, you begin to fret and get agitated, looking for a faster solution. In fact, because of anxiety, the devil suggests to you a faste...


If I ask you to name one weapon of mass destruction that you know, you would probably name: nuclear or atomic bomb, ballistic missile, intercontinental ballistic missile, biological weapon, chemical weapon or hydrogen bomb. You are very correct! But let me tell you that, the most potent weapon of mass destruction that the devil has used, is using and will continue to use to obliterate dreams, goals, aspiration and destinies is ANGER! Life is too short to go to be angry! Yes, you heard me right! Lives have been destroyed, relationships have been demolished, nations have perished, generations have been put in bondage of curses, destinies have been aborted, and glories have been buried, all because of lack of control over anger. One thing we must know is that, anger is a spirit-demonic spirit of destruction. Sometimes, I hear people say, “It’s my nature or my weakness”, whenever they display anger. Hey, don’t you know that, the devil uses your weakness to set trap for you in order to dest...


According to Billy Graham, one of the greatest American Preachers, he said, “the greatest surprise in life to me is the brevity of life.” That is why the Psalmist says, “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (NLT). It is wisdom to live for today and not tomorrow that is just a promissory note-not certain! Because of the brevity of life, stop putting things off. Live life to the fullest, take full advantage, and be the master of the situations or moments you're in right now. Don’t wait till tomorrow! Life does not wait for procrastinators. Today is the ONLY GIFT we have from God! Tomorrow is not guaranteed! Are you putting off what you should do today till tomorrow? WHAT IF TOMORROW NEVER COMES? We do not have the luxury of time or owns tomorrow! Life is short and unpredictable! So; • That good deeds and help you have in mind to do for someone, do it today; because tomorrow may never come! • That favour you have in mind to render to so...


Good things in life take time. It comes by God's timing. Timing is of essence. Nobody can be fruitful out of time and season. Understand that individuals have their alloted time and season of manifestation. Lack of understanding of your appointed time and season may lead to anxiety, worry, jealousy, greed, covetousness, and self-help, with a disastrous outcome. #EssenceOfTime #TimeAndSeasons #TheAppointedTime #WisdomNuggets #IamPOZA


According to Max Lucado, “a man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” What this simply implies is that, sometimes you need to withdraw out of the crowd into yourself and turn your back on somethings. In the crowd, you will suffocate and gets intimidated. You can’t be in the crowd and be still to hear the still small voice speak into your subconscious. You will only hear the voice of the people and not the voice of God! Leaving the crowd is a sure step to self-discovery and self-actualisation! Therefore, 1. Leave the crowd and stand alone. A crowd is a place of confusion and chaos. You cannot crow in the crowd and be heard. Other’s crow will subsume your crow, And you will be lost in the crowd 2. It’s time to break from the mould of excusists, Let your entity announce your identity, Let your gift provoke your lifting, And hold your head in gold. Turn your base metal (raw talent) into gold, And your greatness will be in the fold of succeeders. 3. Leave t...


Many people have been asking, “Why Is Life or people So Unfair to me? I have been good to everyone and love unconditionally! What did I do wrong? What Can I Do about It.”? Let me break your heart; YOU CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT! It’s nature at work! Listen to me! Know, that UNFAIRNESS is part of human nature. With the same mouth, they praise you, and with the same mouth, they condemn you! In your presence you are the angel from God, and behind you, you are the demon from Satan! You can’t live on this earth for long without feeling like someone has treated you unfairly. Knowing how to manage this, is a panacea for peace of mind! • Maybe it’s a neighbour who’s spreading gossip about you in your neighborhood. • Maybe it’s a colleague at work who is stabbing you in the back! • Maybe it’s a congregant who is making false accusations against you at church. You can choose to respond to the people who hurt you by hurting them back, but that is not what God calls you to do. God has called you to ...


One of the greatest undoing of mankind in an attempt to accomplish things in life is to foolishly set unattainable deadlines for themselves. Rather than plan, act, and strategize with the wisdom of God, by following His leading, they ignorantly out of self-pride and self-confidence think they can plan their way to success. The Holy Bible says, there are many plans in the heart of men, but it is the will of God that MUST prevail (Proverbs 19:21). Setting deadlines for yourself means you are acting on your wisdom and knowledge, and outside God's perfect timing and will. It means you are ignorant of God's control of time and season. Do not get me wrong! It is not wrong to plan for the future, but it's foolishness to plan for the future without knowing or involving the one who owns and controls your future, God! It's baffling, sometimes, to hear people say: by 25yrs, I would be a graduate; by 30yrs I would have married; by 35yrs I would have bought my first car; by 40yrs ...


One of the things that human beings does not want to experience or suffer in life is the shame of defeat! We detest it like a plague! Defeat, in any areas of life is painful! Nobody wants to suffer defeat in life, but it is part of our growing up and character development. Defeat in life is not all that bad. What is bad is for us to dwell too much on defeat without seeing the hidden treasures embedded in it. As human, we focus too much on the pain of defeat without seeing the gains and benefits embedded in it. I have suffered many defeats in life and learnt from them and came out better. This makes me wiser, stronger and closer to my maker, because he showed me his will and purpose for the defeats. It was for my good! Understand that, God may use defeat to show us the truth (John 8:82). God can use defeat to redirect our steps to the right path! God can use defeat to work out his plans and purpose for our lives. Even defeat can be a steppingstone to success when we pray, “Lord, what ar...


Let me ask you this question: that partner in your relationship, is he/she your soulmate or foulmate? Unfortunately, most partners in relationships think they have a soulmate, but rather a foulmate. Who is a Soulmate? A soulmate is that one person whose heart, soul, spirit, vision and dreams connect with yours. He is someone whose love is powerful enough to motivate you to meet your soulish needs, to do the emotional work of self-discovery, and self-awakening. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would—Kenny Loggins Who is a Foulmate? A “foulmate” is the person who comes into your life by lying and is attracted to you by vague things, connected by selfish interests, and there is no genuineness in his/her commitment to the relationship. He is an opportunist! How would you know if your partner is a “foulmate”? - When your mate cannot motivate you to achieve your dream, but rather antagonizes it....


Your mindsets and perspectives in life can be a source of your limitations. Sometimes we limit ourselves by comparing our parents with others; why was I not born by rich parents? Why was I not born in USA, Canada, UK, etc.? Why is there no one to help me with my dream? Why did I not go to Harvard, Cambridge, or MIT, like others? This list is endless! You can still go to the best school in the world and be ignorant and a fool. You can have rich background, but your back is on the ground and you are not rich in knowledge and wisdom. You can be born and bred in advanced countries, and still become a nonentity and still fail in life! Your background should not limit you! Rise up and carve a niche for yourself! Break out of the circle or jinx! Discover, exploit and explore your inner gifts! Listen to me: If no one had ever achieved greatness, succeeded, became a millionaire, and experienced uncommon breakthrough, gave mouth-watering testimonies, became a celebrity, a national Icon, a game...


In this world, from the time you are born until you get old and die, there are two possible results: leaving a message and just making a passage. A message is a communication containing information, news, advice, requests, political, social, or moral points, and nonverbal behaviours and lifestyles we pass to others. Conversely, a passage is the action or process of passing through from one place to another. In the context of this nugget, I am talking about passage as a transition in life from birth to death. Are you in this world to give and leave a message, by making an impact and leaving an imprint in society or are you just making a passage with no impact or leaving any imprint in the sands of time? When your words, actions, counsel, motivation, lifestyle, giving, and behaviours are impacting life positively, you are leaving a message, a legacy for now and after you leave this world. Understand that, our lives (actions, deeds, words, lifestyles) are a letter (epistles), or message...


You have always heard the saying, “WINNERS NEVER QUIT, AND QUITTERS NEVER WIN.” This could not be further from the truth, but NOT in most cases. Would you be surprised if I told you that QUITTERS are also WINNERS? For quitters to become winners, they must invoke the power of saying NO. This willpower allows them to reject and refuse habits that can destroy their destiny and hinder their fulfillment in life. A survey revealed that 80% of quitters promised to quit a bad habit, but never did, 15% returned to the habit after a short time, while 5% quit the bad habit. Quitting a habit is a long process that can take several attempts, but requires determination, intentionality, patience, and prayers. Remember, Rome was not built in a day! So, how can QUITTERS become WINNERS? - If you quit alcohol, and smoking, you win healthy lungs, liver and kidney, good health and long life - If you quit a toxic relationship, you will win happiness and regain your self-esteem, self-worth and avoid emotion...


They say, "empty barrels make the loudest noise." This is really the truth. Just look around you, successful people are quiet; they are not noise makers. When you are full of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and excellent spirit, it doesn't make noise. It speaks for itself. It announces you wherever you go. It attracts people to you! It magnetizes people top you. People become your announcer not yourself! For example, Daniel and Joseph in the Bible didn’t announce themselves or make noise; people announce them to the kings become of what they see in them! They carry gifts that can solve people’s problems. It is the arrogance of ignorance, pride, and emptiness that makes noise. Such people seek for attentions because they are suffering from Attention Deficiency Syndrome (ADS). Successful people don't make noise; they make news; they become news! It's failures that make a lot of noise. Don't announce your deeds. Let it speak for itself. #WisdomNuggets #MakeN...


To achieve some FEATS in life, and LEAD others, we need to take a LEAP. In other words, we need to take a LEAP of Faith. It means doing something extraordinary. It means moving a step AHEAD AND ABOVE others. It means thinking out of the box- that is thinking differently, unconventionally, intelligently or from a new perspective. When you USE THE SAME MODEL to do what others are doing, you will achieve the same result they are getting! Take a LEAP of faith! Taking a leap of faith is taking calculated risk-NOT BLIND FAITH-with focus on the goals and your eyes on God who can empower you to succeed (John 15:5; Daniel 12:32). Know that success is not magical. Its practical and tactical! By the way lets define LEAP: - L-LEARN SOMETHING NEW - E-EXPERIENCE NEW PERSPECTIVES - A-APPLY THE KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED - P-PRAY FOR ITS MANIFESTATION Know for sure that, if you LEAP you will LEAD and if you LEAD you will REAP; but it won’t come cheap on the platter of gold. Therefore, you need to be intent...


For every step you want to take in life, make preparation for a fall. Yes, you heard me right! Prepare for a fall! Like a growing baby, that wants to start walking, the first two or three steps always lead to a fall, even sometimes with injury. But that won’t stop the baby from trying again! After that, the baby build experience and confidence, by perfecting the art of walking. Understand that, we grow, learn and build character through failures, pains, sufferings and afflictions! For any position you seek in life, prepare for opposition. They will mock you, despise you, and throw mud at you! Know that a fruitless tree does not attract stones and sticks. Don’t be distracted, face the goal and focus on the results. People celebrate results and not insults! Therefore, when life throws stone at you, use it to build structures that the thrower would see and be put to shame. When life throws insults at you, use it to generate results that are evident to everyone. When life throws mud at yo...


It is the way of humans to always forget the 99% of your good deeds and then focus on the meagre 1% of your failures, errors or mistakes, by condemning and judging you! I wish we could all be as quick to encourage and counsel others about wrongs they commit as we are to quickly rebuke, judge and condemn them. As humans, we all make mistakes and have our individual weaknesses and strengths. Focus more on the strengths and good virtues of others than their failures or errors. We are not called to judge anyone! (John 8:7–11; Matthew 7:1-2) Let us leave this attitude of “THE KETTLE CALLING THE POT BLACK” aside. We are all products of the mercies of God! Una good morning! One love!😍🥰🌹❤️ #WisdomNuggets2024 #EncourageNotCondemn #CounselNotJudge #IamPOZA


In life, we must understand that, sometimes, God will take us through the road we don't want to take in life, because it is rough, not smooth, muddy and windy; but we have to follow and submit to His sovereignty. If we did, we would later discover it was the best road we ever took. Remember that the road that leads to greatness in life is less travelled. If you want to go far, go with someone, but if you want to go fast, go alone. #WisdomNuggets2024 #RoadLessTravelled #SovereigntyOfGod #IamPOZA

Begin With the End in Mind!

According to Albert Einstein, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” Begin with the End in Mind means you must sit down and analyse the benefits, risks and challenges to be envisaged before making any move in life. Beginning with the end in mind is all about asking yourself self-probing questions to determine your objectives and the reasons behind what you want to do or achieve. Therefore; -Before you step out on your daily task, begin with the end in mind -Before you go into that relationship, begin with the end in mind -Before you hurt that person, begin with the end in mind -Before you refuse to forgive that individual, begin with the end in mind -Before you join others to backbite, backstab, gossip or hate someone, begin with the end in mind -Before you marry that woman or man, begin with the end in mind -Before you go into that business partnership, begin with the end in mind Concerning our lives, it means always having the image of the end of your l...

Limitations and Inferiority Complex is mindset

Limitation or inferiority complex is a reflection of your mindset. No man can make you feel inferior without your consent. You are what you call or see yourself! If you see yourself as a winner, you are. Also, if you see yourself as a failure, you are. Limitation and inferiority complex are defeatist strategies, it begins and end in your mind. Therefore, guard your heart with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). #Wisdom Nuggets #DefeatistMindset #InferiorityComplex #IamPOZA


An adage in my village says, "No matter how obstinate you are when walking, your head must shake." In life, no matter the level of our thoroughness, carefulness, wisdom, knowledge, and experience, there is no iron clad guarantee that we would not experience failure, setbacks and disappointments that challenges our faith. We are bound to fall, fail and have regrets. But how we manage it determines the outcome. Understanding the why, what, when, who, and where you fall is important in self-recovery! We can fall like a pot of mud and get shattered, with the situation overpowering or overwhelming us. Or we can fall like an iron ball where we don’t break but break things around us, falling with anger and negativity, and engaging in blame game. Or we can fall like a RUBBER BALL-the harder we fall the higher we spring back. A rubber ball doesn’t bounce on sand or mud or water; it needs hard surface to bounce! Tough situations and challenges comes as an opportunity for us to rise to...